Joy, I want you to know your show did provide value. You provide value. You are valuable. We love and appreciate you and your team and your colleagues and this decision isn't just shortsighted. It's suspicious. If ratings is the excuse then the executives do not understand their audience or the moment.


We will follow you to the ends of the earth.

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Beautiful Experienced I send You the sentiments expressed.. I feel passionate about Fighting for Democracy Freedom Compassion for my fellow citizens—The bigger wider community Wisdoms of the wise Uncommon Common sense .

Joy Reid You have amazing leadership skills unfolding for the better good of all people .Your expression is from your heart mind and Spirit.You are a Blessing 🤩 Joy.

You belong your gifts encourage us to continue the battle.🗣️🆘🇺🇸🇲🇽🇺🇦🇩🇪

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Joy, you should start a whole new live show on Substack, where you have full control, and MSNBC executives can kiss your ass! 🤣👍🏼

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Agree…need you on Substack. This is the place to be. I listen to Jim Acosta a lot and he is able to go into much greater detail on subjects here than the traditional network. Your exit from MSNBC is a badge of honor! Your voice must have scared them bad. Keep up the good trouble. And have Jasmine Crockett as your inaugural interview!!

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Jasmine Crockett as a first guest to kick things off would be a great idea! 🤗

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Yes. Live shows are great!

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Joy - you are my main person for the news and will continue to be - I am so saddened and angered that your show has been cancelled and please know I will continue to follow you in all venues and support you.

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Just subscribed. I watch you mostly on TikTok and find your perspectives to always be valuable and helpful. I sense you are a kind and compassionate person through your content and we need more people like you. Keep on with the good fight! You will be redeemed and are on the right side of history. I'm so sorry that you are experiencing the collapse of the large American media.

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Joy, thank you for always caring and sharing!

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I didn’t know about the cancellation until it was your last show. I feel gutted. Your show has always been my go to for the truth. Please please keep doing your thing in all the brilliant ways you do. Thank you for your courage and dedication to journalism.

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The first time I saw you on MSNBC, you were subbing for another host. I think it may have been Ed Shultz. I remember being so impressed with you and thinking “oh my goodness, give this woman her own show”! It was not long after that when you did indeed get your own show. I agree with what Rachel said about you: MSNBC has really made a huge mistake. I know that you are going to go on to greatness now that you will be unfettered by MSNBC. You are cherished and revered! Keep us posted as to where we can find you next!

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I gotta say that , as much as I like Michael Steele ,he was not stellar tonight….

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Thank you for always speaking truth to power. I will always listen to you wherever you are.

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Devastated to think about what all this means. Devastated that I can’t look forward to your show every day. Devastated to wonder who, what is next. You have brought so much to all of us and The Reidout will be missed. It is so needed as are you! Thank you. And looking forward with hope to see what you will be doing next.

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Joy your work did have tremendous value - I know I’m not alone in saying that. I think they are cutting the wrong people - I stopped watching msnbc as the direct result of the Morning Joe visit to Mar a Lago . I later cut cable since I could not unbundle and no longer wished to support FOx. I think your show should not have been cut - and believe that Rachel and Lawrence cannot be far behind because we know that DJT despises them. It is only a matter of time .

I hope that you will do something amazing in the future and maybe join forces with Katie , Mehdi, etc.

Very angry and disappointed - ps I grew up in and live in the Denver metro . ❤️🙏🏽💔

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I never thought this day would come. It never occurred to me that somebody who so consistently excels at her profession could be treated like this. Your show, Rachel's, Chris', Nicole's, Larry's - you guys make up a huge swath of the fabric of my life. You give me comfort, you remind me I'm not insane or wrong, and that good and decent people exist in the world and above all - you made me believe things would always be ok. Instead, now I am shaken. Profoundly so. The earth might well have shifted beneath my feet. I know that you're a fighter and that you will get thru this and be the better for it. Before my mom passed from cancer, we spent a lot of time together because I shut out any thing or person who might distract me from her. Our #1 favorite pastime was watching you, listening to your insights, and learning from your research. You are inextricably tied to my memories of her. Thank you for everything you've done and shared. I wish you the greatest peace, abundance, love and harmony and cannot wait to see you back.

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Is it possible to get a Reid Out jacket like you’re wearing? I love it! Or any other Reid Out merch? Did you get to take that with you? 😉

Seriously, I adore your chutzpah and your brilliance. 🙏 I will follow you wherever…✌️Thanks for your leadership so far.

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The only good thing about your recent turn in career is it made me find your podcast Reid This Reid That. I'm eager to see what you do next. Rise!

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Joy, you are my hero. Keep speaking truth to power. I honor you for your courage, your eloquence, your consciousness, your truth.

Nora in Iowa City

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We will follow Joy! I am furious over the chaotic shake up an MSNBC!

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What you do is so important. Keep speaking truth to power. You deserved so much better. I'm glad Rachel called them out. MSNBC lost a view in me for letting you go. I pray whatever comes your way next allows you to keep doing what you love.

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