I’m so glad you’re here on Substack, Joy. Thank you for always fighting for what’s right and pushing back against the fascists.

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Joy, I am so glad to see you here, and addressing us with Rachel, Nicolle, and Lawrence last night. I am devastated by your loss, and its place in the pattern of preemptive capitulation to the regime. We (Americans who treasture Democracy) need you! Thank you for fighting, and I hope to see new great things!

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~ I hope you will consider a Youtube Channel and You will have Millions of people follow you ~

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Hi Joy, I'll always support your endeavors. Keep shining!🙏🏾🩷

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Amazing final show! Great points were made by all.

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Glad you are here. Sad MSNBC is falling. I saw you being there together and it was nice how you got along and each brought a different and important perspective.

I'm going to be frank, though, and say that Substack needs more Black Men and women doing news commentary.

We need an expanded vision here, so you will be an important voice. I get nervous when there are too many White people, and I am White.

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Thank you for this, excited to see you continue to be active here!

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Onward & upward ! ..... love from Australia xoxo

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Hang tough. Much love from Georgia! ♥️

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Joy love you here in Arizona! I just finished reading your last book! Awesome!

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Y’all were awesome!! Thank you for always being there for us and speaking truth to the news! Great people like you go forward so the rest can see and follow! Best of luck on your new quest to enlighten us!♥️

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love you joy! from colorado💙🥰

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Love you Joy!! Stay in the fight, we’re with you♥️

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Love You Joy. Loved Your Final Show.Just Know We Are With You 100%. You Are Better Off Without Them. You Are Awesome At What You Do And One Smart Lady. You Rock Joy Ann Reid 💯💯💯💯

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Joy....I was devastated to learn of your departure. I always looked so forward to your program and commentary. I am so sick about what is happening here and horrified that the former party members have no guts to speak out. I am fearful that fascism has overtaken us. We must all do our part to repair the damage. Your show was an inspiration to me and hopefully to all. Love you. Many Blessings....you will do great things I know.

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Love this whole group!

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