On LinkedIn someone posted a picture of a billboard that reads: “For the first time in history, you can simply post, "He's an idiot," and 90% of the world will know whom you're talking about.”
Dear Joy: Just want you to know how much I love you. I think you, Rachael and Lawrence should start your own show on TV somehow. I beliee Rachael and Lawrence are next. MSNBC is turning Red Coat and I am all done with that. I tape Rachael and Lawrence and that's it. I will not watch anymore. Used to have it on all day, but now I'm here with you keeping the montra "It's only temporary".
I'd include Nicole and Ali Velshi in those wonderful people. I, too, was an avid MSNBC watcher. No more. Joe/Mika killed it for me, and the cancellation of Joy sealed the deal.
Thank you! I’m so glad to be able to read your reporting and news analysis here. I’m old enough to remember when Melissa Harris Perry and her wonderful guests and contributors were axed from MSNBC. A blinking red light went off for me re: MSNBC’s top brass and has not stopped blaring since. Thank you for your amazing work. Happily I have the $$ to become a paid subscriber — so I signed on right away!
Amen to that. All during the election I could see it coming. They were not helping the Democrats at all. Then they give Michael Steele (Ugh!) a spot with our beloved Symone Sanders and ruined that show for me. The real start of the end for me was putting him on the Democratic National Convention. God's sake! Is nothing sacred? Can the Democrats have just this moment, please? Now they have him on at 7:00 too, instead of Joy. It's hard, but I've weaned myself off.
On LinkedIn someone posted a picture of a billboard that reads: “For the first time in history, you can simply post, "He's an idiot," and 90% of the world will know whom you're talking about.”
Thank you Joy! We appreciate you so much!
Thank you! We need your reporting and voice. Please keep us informed.
Dear Joy: Just want you to know how much I love you. I think you, Rachael and Lawrence should start your own show on TV somehow. I beliee Rachael and Lawrence are next. MSNBC is turning Red Coat and I am all done with that. I tape Rachael and Lawrence and that's it. I will not watch anymore. Used to have it on all day, but now I'm here with you keeping the montra "It's only temporary".
I'd include Nicole and Ali Velshi in those wonderful people. I, too, was an avid MSNBC watcher. No more. Joe/Mika killed it for me, and the cancellation of Joy sealed the deal.
Thank you! I’m so glad to be able to read your reporting and news analysis here. I’m old enough to remember when Melissa Harris Perry and her wonderful guests and contributors were axed from MSNBC. A blinking red light went off for me re: MSNBC’s top brass and has not stopped blaring since. Thank you for your amazing work. Happily I have the $$ to become a paid subscriber — so I signed on right away!
Whew! What a week and the week is not over yet!
Amen to that. All during the election I could see it coming. They were not helping the Democrats at all. Then they give Michael Steele (Ugh!) a spot with our beloved Symone Sanders and ruined that show for me. The real start of the end for me was putting him on the Democratic National Convention. God's sake! Is nothing sacred? Can the Democrats have just this moment, please? Now they have him on at 7:00 too, instead of Joy. It's hard, but I've weaned myself off.
So glad that you’re back on the scene and telling us like it is. The truth free from fear or favor.
Jose Diaz Balart need to find a job with Fox!
Thank you, Joy! Will you be doing any videos/lives soon?
Please take a look at my message!