Thank you so much, Joy! I am delighted to have you closer in my life this way. I get to hear you speak truth to power and be the magnificent woman we know you are. We thank you and we love you.

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This should be on a billboard in Times Square! So spot on!🌻🇺🇦

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Lil Marco unfortunately so appropriate!!!

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Thank you for this history lesson on Rubio. It completely explains why he acts the way he does now. He is a political climber. It is not going to end well for him . His career is really over now. He looks like he is actually a frame of himself just going through the motions. He is sad. A job should never be that important to anyone to lose your own integrity. I think it happened when he ran against Jeb. That was the ultimate stabbing.

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Jaye~ don't all those mōfῠs look beaten down. Think someone's got pictures of them being naughty maybe?

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I missed you at the table with Rachel and Nicole tonight, but I am glad you are here.

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WOW! I guess we’ve got to report a murder now. Ha.

This was stunning reporting. I hadn’t known that much about Marco before reading this. He embezzled his election money AND the party’s credit cards. Holy smokes. Thank you, Joy!!!

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Thank you so much Joy. So glad to read your thoughts and wisdom! Keep on keeping on!

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You’re an excellent writer. Really en’joy’ed the reference to magic beans 🫘 and of course Chicago’s Mr. Cellophane…. Today is such a weird day. I protested yesterday March 4 th and now I’m reading your writings to energize my mind. Thank you for your perspective and insight, always helpful to consider history and ponder 🤔 that some.

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Thank you joy. What a joy to read this ripping of Marco rubio! Wow. And that didn’t even mention his betrayal of his Cuba! Oh at least he’s consistent about his inhumane policies there.

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Apparently Marco is moving up in the Cabinet of Rivals.... he could score a FIRST.... when the Ukraine thing blows up in their faces.... as the "young apprentice" he'll be first to hear "You're fired", unless Bobby picks up a few more bodies in Texas, or Petey goes all gropey in the ladies dorm.... better start brushing up on those old "de-nazification' programs..... there'll be a lot of republicans in that line after our Nuremburg is held at Mar-a-lago.

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Joy, you have got that spot on! LilMarco is nothing more than any other MAGA loyalists...a con, a grifter, and self serving chameleon worried only about his power. Too bad he threw it all away with his ridiculous lies and defense of the PINO. (President in Name Only).

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Thank you for this piece on Lil Marco. Dead nuts!

And so happy to see you here. I subscribed!

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He’s Latino and just taking it. Why does anyone take this BS for that matter!

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Lil Marco with the Wee Wee...I hope its worth it. Joy, thank you for not giving up! You are loved and admired. I am glad to be able to be better connected with you on this platform.

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